If you wanna know what I'm thinking..
Read on..
Guess why I'm here again?
Cos' there's something worth to let me sit down and blog about..
Let bygones be bygones.
Didnt you heard that before?
And, you said we will be friends like before.
Why do your actions let me(us) feel that you are still holding back the past?
Congrats that you had found your true friend(s).
I know some problems happened between you people.
Keeping quiet does not mean that the outside world does not know.
All your actions, the way you talk and all are enough to prove that we were'nt as good as before.
Your actions are good enough to be on TV.
Right now..
If you're thinking that you are the one I'm referring to, that's correct.
If you regard my cliques and I as your friends..
You will never think it's you whom I'm referring to.
A big sorry from the bottom of my heart to my classmate(s) who think that I'm cold and unfriendly.
Afterall, you guys don't know what actually happened so keep your comments to yourself if you have to..
You guys are still best mates I ever met! :D
I know who are the people that accompany me through my life journey till now.
You guys never fail to hang a smile on my face. :)
"True friends are hard to come by.."
& I strongly agree..
Thanks for leaving footprints in my life..